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References & Highlights

Freiburg can look back at many interesting, exciting, unusual and challenging events in the last few years. In addition to specific specialist events, Freiburg also scores points with successful consumer fairs, sold-out concerts and unique events. Here you will find an overview of selected events.

Schwarzwaldmädel in Tracht vor der Messe Freiburg

© Klaus Polkowski

The MEIN FREIBURG MARATHON - an annual highlight in Freiburg.

Referenzen - Veranstaltungen

Unforgettable event highlights in Freiburg

Freiburg is proud of many successful events – from sportingly extreme to exceptionally unique. One major sporting event is nowadays a fixed part of Freiburg’s event calendar and takes place annually: 
since 2004, the Freiburg Marathon has been one of the highlight events in spring in Freiburg. Every year, thousands of participants take part in MY FREIBURG MARATHON across the various distances. Along the route, which goes through the entire historic centre, the athletes are supported by bands and spectators. Thus, every year the marathon is an event for the whole city. 

Startschuss bei Marathon

© FWTM-Baschi Bender

Start at the MEIN FREIBURG MARATHON – a sporting highlight every year.

Undoubtedly one of the many exceptional major events in Freiburg was the Tour de France in summer 2000. The city formed the start point for the time trial to Mulhouse in Alsace. Thousands of fans watched the major event live on site. The visit of the Pope in 2011 is also among the highlights of Freiburg’s events. In addition to the prayer vigil, which Pope Benedict XVI held with young people on the trade fair grounds, the service on the airfield in Freiburg was a highlight. The Pope’s visit brought tens of thousands of pilgrims to Freiburg.

Menschenmassen vor großer Bühne

© FWTM-Schoenen

Pope's visit to Freiburg in late summer 2011.

Further event references

Below we have put together for you a selection of interesting events. These are grouped according to event format. In addition to further event highlights, you will find a selection of conferences, trade fairs as well as consumer fairs, concerts and events that have already taken place successfully in Freiburg.

  • 10. Deutscher Chorwettbewerb

    7 May 2018
    Web: musikrat.de/dcw
    Approx. 5,000 participants

    Papstbesuch 2011



    25 September 2011
    Freiburg airfield
    Web: dbk.de
    Approx. 100,000 participants

    87. Tour de France 2000

    20 July 2000
    Freiburg city centre
    Web: fwtm.de
    Approx. 2 million visitors in Freiburg

  • Freiburger Infektiologie- und Hygienekongress

    Annually in October
    Konzerthaus Freiburg
    Web:  bzh-freiburg.de
    Approx. 1,200 participants

    EACTAIC 2024 – European Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care

    22 – 25 October 2024
    Konzerthaus Freiburg
    600 participants

    Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Phlebologie und Lymphologie

    02 – 05 October 2024
    Konzerthaus Freiburg
    Web: dgpl-jahrestagung.de
    1,600 participants

    Jahrestagung der südwestdeutschen Gesellschaft für Urologie 2024

    19 – 22 June 2024
    Konzerthaus Freiburg
    1,200 participants

    SSIEM Annual Symposium

    30 August – 02 September 2022
    Messe Freiburg
    Web: ssiem2022.org
    2,500 participants

    Internationaler Trainerkongress

    23 – 25 May 2022
    Messe Freiburg
    Web: bdfl.de/fortbildung/trainerkongress
    1,200 participants

    Deutscher Physikerkongress
    DPG Herbsttagung

    October 2019
    Universität Freiburg
    Web: freiburg19.dpg-tagungen.de
    1,500 participants

    Robotics Science and Systems

    22 - 26 June 2019
    Messe Freiburg
    Web: roboticsconference.org
    800 participants

    SUBUD Weltkongress 
    Internationales Treffen von Subudmitgliedern

    28 July - 8 August 2018
    Messe Freiburg
    Web: subud-deutschland.org
    2,500 participants

    120. Deutscher Ärztetag

    23 - 26 May 2017
    Messe Freiburg
    Web: bundesaerztekammer.de
    900 participants

    Deutsches Talsperrensymposium

    15 - 17 June 2016
    Messe Freiburg
    Web: talsperrensymposium.de
    600 participants

    41. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Thorax-, Herz- und Gefäßchirurgie

    2012 - 2015
    Messe Freiburg
    Web: dgthg.de
    1,600 participants

    Micro Tas 2013

    27 - 31 October 2013
    Messe Freiburg
    Web: microtasconferences.org
    300 participants

    Werkstättentag 2012

    26 - 28 September 2012
    Messe Freiburg
    Web: 2012.werkstaettentag.de
    3,000 participants

  • Internationale Kulturbörse Freiburg

    Annually in January
    Messe Freiburg
    Web: kulturboerse-freiburg.de
    5,000 participants

    GETEC - Gebäude, Energie, Technik


    Annually in February
    Messe Freiburg
    Web: getec-freiburg.de
    8,000 visitors


    Every four years (spring)
    Messe Freiburg
    Web: interbrush.de
    Approx. 7,500 visitors

    Internationale Weltausstellung der Rassekatzen 

    26 - 27 October 2019
    Messe Freiburg
    Web: worldshow-germany.de
    3,200 visitors

  • Plaza Culinaria

    Annually in November
    Messe Freiburg
    Web: plaza-culinaria.de
    35,000 participants

    Caravan live

    Annually in October
    Messe Freiburg
    Web: caravanlive.de
    18,000 participants

    Heroes Festival Freiburg

    Annually in September
    Messe Freiburg
    Web: heroes-festival.com/freiburg
    15,000 participants

    MUNDOLOGIA-FESTIVAL für Fotografie, Abenteuer & Reisen

    annually in February
    Konzerthaus Freiburg
    Approx. 20,000 participants

    Apache 207

    12 August 2023
    Messe Freiburg
    Web: apache207.de
    47,000 participants

    Körperwelten Freiburg – Eine Herzenssache

    17 May - 25 August 2019
    Messe Freiburg
    Web: koerperwelten.de
    3,000 visitors

    Open Air Tote Hosen
    Alles aus Liebe

    23. Juli 2022
    Messe Freiburg (Messegelände)
    Web: dth-dta.de
    Approx. 55,000 visitors

    Open Air Iron Maiden
    Legacy Of The Beast European Tour 2018

    30 June 2018
    Messe Freiburg (Messegelände)
    Web: ironmaiden.com/tours/legacy-of-the-beast-tour-2018
    Approx. 30,000 visitors

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