Environment & Sustainability
Freiburg has made a name for itself worldwide as the Green City Freiburg with an ambitious environmental policy and a clear political and civilian commitment to sustainable city development. Freiburg has become a model for many communities and today the city is considered a model for the reconciliation of ecology and economy. Environmental policy, solar technology, concepts for sustainability and climate protection have become mainsprings of economic, political and urban development.

© FWTM-Mende
Symbol of environment and sustainability: sunflower in front of the Freiburg University library.
The Green City Freiburg label stands for a mix of many ideas and visions. Here, science and business work hand in hand, as shown, for example, by the Sustainability Center, a merger of the university and Fraunhofer institutes. A network of internationally operating institutes and companies rounds off the profile of the Green City Freiburg in positive fashion.
Green City Freiburg
In addition to medicine, healthcare, the environmental economy and environmental research, sustainability also plays a particularly large role in the Green City Freiburg. With approximately 12,000 gainfully employed persons in 2,000 businesses, this sector contributes approximately EUR 650 million to the value creation and much to the positive image of the region. In the solar economy alone, gainful employment is three to four times higher than the national average, with over 2,000 employees in 100 businesses.

© FWTM-Spiegelhalter
For approximately 30 years, Freiburg has received a great deal of attention and national as well as international recognition for its marked ecological awareness, an ambitious environmental policy and the concomitant projects, processes and activities.
For example, in 1987 Freiburg was chosen as the “Eco Capital”, in 1992 as the “Federal Capital for Nature and Environmental Protection” and in 2012 as “Germany’s Most Sustainable City”. Additionally, Freiburg is the winner of the federal competition “Klimaaktive Kommune 2018”, in which the project Green Industry Park was recognised, which, by means of a climate protection sub-concept, aims to reduce significantly the energy consumption of an entire industrial area. Moreover, in 2018, the new Freiburg city hall received the DGNB award for “Sustainable Building”.

© FWTM-Schwerer
Modern and sustainable: the new city hall in the Stühlinger district in Freiburg.
The Green City Freiburg is the ideal location for your conference on the topic of sustainability and the environment. In addition to suitable conference localities that have committed themselves to the topic of green meeting, you will find a large specialist public from the domains of business and research in Freiburg. Additionally, you can gain possible cooperation partners and speakers for your conference from the local clusters, for example from science or the leading research institutions.
The Freiburg Convention Bureau is happy to be available to you for initial networking.

© Franz Metelec/Shutterstock.com
Green City Tours
In cooperation with the City of Freiburg, our partner agencies take on guided tours, lectures, workshops and further education on all Green City topics.
Find out more about our partner agencies and the various tours, guided tours and offers.
Companies and institutions in Freiburg
In the field of environment & sustainability, the region is considered an important and strong cluster within Germany. Below you will find a selection of relevant institutions and companies.
Fakultät für Umwelt und Natürliche Ressourcen
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Tennenbacher Straße 4
79106 Freiburg
Web: unr.uni-freiburg.deThe Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources is a research institution for the analysis of interactions between humans, society and the environment.
Zentrum für Erneuerbare Energien der Uni Freiburg
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Tennenbacher Straße 4
79106 Freiburg
Web: zee-uni-freiburg.deThe Centre for Renewable Energy is an interdisciplinary and cross-faculty centre of the University of Freiburg.
Institut für Nachhaltige Technische Systeme (INATECH) Leistungszentrum Nachhaltigkeit
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Emmy-Noether-Straße 2
79110 Freiburg
Web: inatech.uni-freiburg.deThe Department of Sustainable Systems Engineering (INATECH) researches and develops engineering solutions.
Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme (ISE)
Heidenhofstraße 2
79110 Freiburg im Breisgau
Web: ise.fraunhofer.deThe Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE) creates technical conditions for an environmentally friendly energy supply.
Klimapartner Oberrhein
Hanferstraße 6
79108 Freiburg
Telefon: 0761 151098-10.
Web: klimaschutz-oberrhein.deThe region’s largest climate protection network has set itself the objective of acting as the most important implementer of the energy transition along with business, science and communities.
Wasserkraft Volk AG
Am Stollen 13
79261 Gutach im Breisgau
Web: wkv-ag.comWasserkraft Volk AG operates the first special factory for hydroelectric power and special generators.
badenova AG & Co. KG
Tullastraße 61
79108 Freiburg
Web: badenova.deLarge energy supply company in the Freiburg region.
Öko-Institut e.V.
Merzhauser Straße 173
79100 Freiburg
Web: oeko.deThe Öko-Institut is one of Europe’s leading independent research and consulting institutions for a sustainable future.
Ökostrom Erzeugung Freiburg GmbH
Schönbergstraße 125
79285 Ebringen
Web: oekostrom-freiburg.deÖkostrom Erzeugung Freiburg GmbH currently operates 29 wind power plants, 7 hydroelectric power plants and over 140 solar power plants.
Startup accelerator Grünhof
Belfortstr. 52
79098 Freiburg im Breisgau
Web: gruenhof.orgDer Grünhof bietet eine Innovationsplattform für die Startup-, Nachhaltigkeits- und Kreativszene der Region Freiburg. Im Startup-Accelerator werden Macher*innen befähigt, innovative Produkte auf den Markt zu bringen.
Smart Green Accelerator
Belfortstr. 52
79098 Freiburg im Breisgau
Web: smartgreen-accelerator.deIm Smart Green Accelerator erhalten Startups der Green Economy mit wirksamen Programmen, dem zielgerichteten Aufbau von Industriekooperationen und Zugang zu exklusiven Finanzierungsinstrumenten einen schnelleren Zugang zur Industrie.
Social Innovation Lab
Kreativpark Lokhalle
Paul-Ehrlich-Straße 7
79106 Freiburg
Web: social-innovation-lab.orgDas Social Innovation Lab bringt soziale Innovationen voran und macht sie sichtbar.
Congresses and Conferences in Freiburg
Freiburg has already made a name for itself as a sustainable city. Freiburg is or was the ideal venue for the following events on the topic of environment & sustainability:
Internationale Cradle to Cradle Congress
Key theme "Urban Future"Annual rotation
14 July 2021
Messe Freiburg
Web: c2c-congress.org
Erste von drei Etappen des Cradle to Cradle Congress. Weitere Gastgeber: Mainz und Mönchengladbach. Teilnahme ist in Präsenz vor Ort oder digital via Live-Stream möglich.Intersolar Europe / EM-Power Europe / ees Europe / The smarter E Europe / Power2Drive Europe
The world's leading trade fair for the solar industryAnnual rotation
Messe München
Web: intersolar.de
Die Messe wird von der FWTM Freiburg organisiert und fand bis 2008 in der Messe Freiburg statt. Weitere Veranstaltungsorte: Long Beach North America, Mumbai, Mexiko-Stadt, Dubai São Paulo.ÖPNV Innovationskongress
Annual rotation
Konzerthaus Freiburg
Web: vm.baden-wuerttemberg.de7. International Convention of Environmental Laureates
15 - 18 March 2018
Konzerthaus Freiburg
Web: european-environment-foundation.euLocal Renewables Conference
October 2010, 2018
Konzerthaus Freiburg
Web: local-renewables-conference.org125th IUFRO Anniversary Congress
(Interconnecting Forests, Science and People)18 - 22 September 2017
Konzerthaus Freiburg
Web: iufro.org/events/anniversary-congress17. Deutsches Talsperrensymposium
15 - 17 June 2016
Messe Freiburg
Web: www.talsperrensymposium.deJahrestagung der Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
zum Thema „Mit neuer Energie“21 May 2014
Konzerthaus Freiburg
Web: fraunhofer.deBAG Deutscher Werkstätten Tag
29 - 28 September 2012
Messe Freiburg
Web: bagwfbm.de/article
Why is Freiburg the ideal city for events on the topic of sustainability?
Many research institutions and companies active in the field of sustainability have settled in the green city of Freiburg. To be emphasised here is the cluster of the Green City Freiburg, which connects relevant actors in this area and thus creates valuable synergies.
How can I take advantage of the infrastructure in the area of sustainability for my conference?
Innovative companies operating in the international research in the field of sustainability form a large potential specialist public for your sustainability conference. Cross-industry impulse generators, interesting projects and a connected sustainability community characterise the sustainability city of Freiburg as well as its environmentally conscious citizens.