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Digital Accessibility

FWTM – Freiburg Wirtschaft Touristik und Messe GmbH & Co. KG – aims to make its media services accessible on a disabled-friendly basis in harmony with the State Act on Equality for Disabled Persons (L-BGG) for the implementation of directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and the Council.

Accessible website

This declaration on accessibility applies to the website www.meeting.freiburg.de

FWTM – Freiburg Wirtschaft Touristik und Messe GmbH & Co. KG designs the content of this internet presence in such a way that anyone can use and read it, especially people with disabilities. This internet presence meets, in large part, the requirements of the BITV – the Disabled-Friendly Information Technology Regulation - and is thus largely disabled-friendly and easy to use on various devices, including mobile devices. Some PDF documents, e.g. PDFs of printed brochures and catalogues, cannot yet be offered on a disabled-friendly basis.

We aim to make the texts legible and as understandable as possible. Technical terms and abbreviations are used only where urgently necessary and are accordingly explained.

Most photographs can be displayed in enlarged format.

Alternative texts
In general, alternative texts (descriptions of images for screen readers) are available for images or graphics.

For videos, we try – where possible – to provide subtitles.

The contents of the website are structured and equipped with hierarchically correctly placed headings; semantically correct HTML is used.

Text sizes
The text size can be changed by means of the setting options in the browser.

Website title
Websites contain a title that describes the topic or purpose of the site.

Device independence
The presentation of the website is largely independent of the device used (e.g. smartphone or older browser). Software extensions in order to access content are not required.

Report web barriers

Have you come upon barriers or do you have suggestions for improvement? In this case, please send an e-mail to barrierefreiheit@fwtm.de.